
Mountainside and bright blue skyThe main services at Oasisolutions are Life and Executive Coaching. What’s the difference?

Life Coaching adresses the personal issues which are causing an imbalance in people’s lives. Issues such as relationship difficulties, feeling stuck, weight issues, lack of self esteem and self confidence, lack of connectedness with life and others, stress, etc.

Executive Coaching is a service mainly for managers and senior managers and will often address the same issues as Life Coaching. The difference is that a client’s employer will usually fund the coaching if the issues are having an impact on his/her work. Issues such as career progression and management development are also addressed.

Assertiveness Programme. In addition to coaching, Oasisolutions also help individuals to become more assertive. The programme has been successfully used with individual as part of thier Life Coaching and with Executives and their staff.

Contact us to find out about our excellent approach to delivering services. You will not be disappointed. Look at what some of our satisfied clients have said.